PHOTO: A team comprising of RFPJ Board members, Staff and victims of the ADF war on their maiden visit to the newly opened RFPJ Office in Anaka Town Council, Nwoya district, Northern Uganda. 

March 21st, 2024

RFPJ opens up a Human Rights Office in Northern Uganda

RFPJ has, for the past three years, worked to promote justice and respect for human rights for victims of the LRA conflict in Northern Uganda. This work has been anchored on the realization that issues of victimhood are a national concern and different regions tasted violence of different magnitudes, and thus, building and strengthening inter-regional synergies and collaboration in the pursuit of Transitional Justice (TJ) for victims will help amplify their voices further. To better undertake solid TJ advocacy, and in a bid to consolidate RFPJ’s presence and work in Northern Uganda, in March 2024, RFPJ opened up an office in Northern Uganda, locate along Aciro Nancy Road, Anaka Town Council, Nwoya District. The office is headed by a Human Rights Assistant who reports directly to the Head Office in Fort Portal. Through this physical office, RFPJ is now able to contextualize TJ issues, leverage on the existing TJ infrastructure to engage the right stakeholders, and address regional-specific TJ issues. At RFPJ, this development signals growth and expansion and the Board and Secretariat are so grateful for this journey of growth. 

By: Twesige Emmanuel