This action targets two districts of Bundibugyo and Ntoroko neighboring the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This project, supported by Seleve Foundation, seeks to rally girls in secondary schools and different stakeholders within the district and at the national level to further the implementation of the USE program and also, further girls’ right to education as per Article 30 of the 1995 Uganda Constitution and Sustainable Development Goal Number 4. In this rallying call, this action has two orientations. In the first orientation, the action mobilizes girls in selected secondary schools to write their district-specific education manifestos, detailing their plight and what they think needs to be done to enhance their access to and retention in secondary schools. 

In the second orientation, the project seeks to disseminate girls’ district-specific education manifestos on local radio stations and also, at district and national levels for purposes of enhancing an evidence-based advocacy for girls’ education. The dissemination of girls’ education manifestos is also intended to influence public attitudes towards girls’ education and also, bring girls’ plight and interests to the attention of district and national-level policy makers.