Since 2018, RFPJ has been investing in skills development for vulnerable youths and women to enhance their capacities in business entrepreneurship, and market-oriented skills through offering work-based learning and enhancing their employability and graduation from vulnerability to social and economic resilience. The provision of livelihood skills to vulnerable youths is seen as an alternative to violence by offering them opportunities to be financially self-sustaining and minimizing chances of social exclusion and conscription into acts of violence. Among the targeted and trained categories include ex-combatants, youth heading households, those infected or affected with HIV/AIDS, the disabled, and other socially vulnerable persons in the districts of Kabarole, Ntoroko, Bundibugyo, Bunyangabu, and Kasese. A total of 834 youth and women have since benefited from RFPJ’s skilling programs and were duly assessed by the Directorate of Industrial Development (DIT).

From May 2024, RFPJ with support from Enabel is training 152 youths in Group Formation, Group Dynamics, and VSLA model. This 3-month training is meant to equip youths with organizational skills and VSLA formation and management, to improve their access to finance for business development and self-employment.